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Plague Breaker Assets

Assets made for a project by Wozzy Games, which they have kindly allowed me to share with you:

Most of my inspiration was from the Castlevania franchise, post Symphony of the Night, as I've been playing a lot of Aria of Sorrow.

Animated main menu art.

Animated main menu art.

WIP animation of the main menu art.

WIP animation of the main menu art.

Before/after my graphics were used for what became Plague Breaker.

Before/after my graphics were used for what became Plague Breaker.

Game footage courtesy of Wozzy Games, showcasing player animations and "Library" assets

Haunted armour idle animation cycle. Used a bit of sub-pixelling to keep it simple.

Haunted armour idle animation cycle. Used a bit of sub-pixelling to keep it simple.

Haunted armour attack animation cycle.

Haunted armour attack animation cycle.

Haunted armour walking animation cycle.

Haunted armour walking animation cycle.

Haunted armour injured animation.

Haunted armour injured animation.

Skeleton archer idle animation. Sub-pixelling here too.

Skeleton archer idle animation. Sub-pixelling here too.

Skeleton archer attack animation.

Skeleton archer attack animation.

Skeleton archer walk animation.

Skeleton archer walk animation.

Skeleton archer injured animation.

Skeleton archer injured animation.

Skeleton archer death animation.

Skeleton archer death animation.